Additional features

Integrations with external systems

Scout enables two-way data exchange via REST API with external systems, such as ERP, APS or other systems.

Data can be exchanged in real time, periodically or on demand.

This, among other things, makes it possible to:

  • exchange of data with ERP/APS in operator panels: retrieve current list of orders from ERP/APS,
  • mark start/stop orders in ERP etc.
  • automatic retrieval of data from ERP/APS on currently assigned employee or order
  • upload to ERP/APS information about actual working time of machines in order to verify it against assumptions
  • send SMS messages or other messages via API gateway

As the authors of the Scout system, we have in-depth knowledge of how it works and are able to integrate Scout with virtually any external system.

Integration with peripheral devices

Scout also allows integration with peripheral devices such as:

  • input/output modules to control a device or machine at a defined event
  • modules that play sound when, for example, a machine is idle for a long period of time
  • RFID card reader modules for identification of operators at the machine
  • barcode or QR code readers for job identification

Due to the high flexibility of Scout, we can integrate it with virtually any peripheral device.

Public pages

Some views of the system should be available to the public visitors – without the need to log in. This is the case, for example, for views displayed on the production floor or for the management reports.

Scout allows you to generate secure URLs to specific views so that you can use them right away, without having to enter a username or a password.

XLSX import/export

Extensive options for importing or exporting Excel XLSX files include:

  • import of data to the Schedule (e.g. with current staffing or production plan)
  • import of data that feeds static, publicly available pages (e.g. plant news displayed on TV in the production hall)
  • export of historical data
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