Information about OKUMA machines
For machines with controll:
P100 Type II or newer, P200, P200A, P300, P300S
Scout uses free MTConnect option, which must be installed on the machine.
To install the MTConnect option, download the MTConnect Agent & Adapter package from the OKUMA App Store website:
OKUMA MTConnect Agent & Adapter
Once MTConnect is installed and configured and the machine is connected to the LAN, the machine will begin to support the MTConnect standard, which is also supported by Scout and is used to download data from the machine.
You can test this by typing the machine’s IP address and (usually) port 5000 into a web browser:
http://[machine IP address]:5000/current
If the browser displays an XML document with data from the machine, it means that MTConnect is enabled and available.
If you have any questions about enabling MTConnect on your OKUMA machine, please feel free to contact our technicians for a free consultation.