Information about conventional/other machines
Conventional machines are machines that do not have a supported CNC/PLC control or those that are not controlled at all by any CNC/PLC.
These may include:
- machines operating with START/STOP button
- press brakes
- lasers, waterjets, plasma (their control systems do not always support software solutions, hence the need to monitor, for example, the moment of switching on the laser beam)
- industrial printing machines (roller rotation counting which translates into production speed and produced meters)
To monitor the operation of these types of machines, we use Scout LanTick I/O modules equipped with Ethernet (LAN) communication.
How it works?
Machine signals are connected to the (binary or analog) inputs of the Scout LanTick module. These signals are first received by the Scout Configuration Tool (SCT) via LAN and then forwarded to the Scout server, just like any other controls (CNC/PLC).
For example:
- the “machine on” signal is connected to input 1 in the module.
A high input means the machine is powered up. - the “spindle turned on” signal is connected to input 2 in the module.
A high input means that the machine is doing work.
Thanks to just these two signals, Scout can generate statistics and reports on the machine’s operation.
The inputs can also be used as pulse counters from inductive sensors, e.g. a counter for counting parts or shaft revolutions. In this way, it is possible to determine the state of the machine, the number of parts made, the production speed or the amount of material used.
An example of connecting the Scout LanTick module at one of our clients:
(photo: BAMET)