Information about monitoring DMG machines

There are a couple of ways to get data from DMG machines. They are typically equipped with Fanuc or Mitsubishi CNC controllers.

DMG with MAPPS II, MAPPS III or MAPPS IV (or newer)

DMG machines with MAPPS II or later should support the MTConnect protocol, which is also supported by Scout.

To check the MAPPS version, you can go to:

System – System Config.

or check the documentation that came with your machine, or simply contact DMG.

You should also set the network settings in :

System – < – SETNG.

The Network Basic Setting window opens.

The last step is to enable data transmission via MTConnect.
Switch parameter 19.0 to a value of 1 in the MAPPS parameters:

System – MAPPS Parameter

Then restart the machine.

The machine should start publishing data on port 7878. You can check this using, for example, the putty program. If data does appear on this port, then it remains to install and configure the MTConnect agent and set up SCT to start receiving data from the machine and sending it to the Scout server.

Configuring the MTConnect agent and SCT is usually done by us (remotely) for clients, as it require necessary experience. At any stage, we will gladly help you with setting everything up.

From this point on, data from the machine will be sent to the Scout server.

Machines without MAPPS or with direct access to the CNC controller

For DMG machines with Fanuc or Siemens Sinumerik controls, it is sometimes easier and faster to connect directly to the CNC controller rather than using MAPPS.

In this case, the machine is treated as a standard machine with a Fanuc, Siemens Sinumerik, Mitsubishi or other control, so the information in the relevant Scout help pages will be useful.

Collecting data from DMG machines requires specialized knowledge and experience. Why not get a free consultation with one of our experts?

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