Information about ModbusTCP protocol
ModbusTCP is actually an encapsulation of the Modbus protocol into Ethernet (LAN) frames.
By using an Ethernet connection instead of RS232 or RS485, there is no need for additional RS <-> LAN converters, because Modbus data is received from the machine/device directly over the LAN.
Therefore, it is more modern and convenient than Modbus RTU.
Basically any data can be transmitted from the machine or PLC. Virtually all PLCs available today can support the ModbusTCP protocol.
However, if the PLC does not support ModbusTCP, other solutions are available to read the data. See more information about communicating with a PLC.
Scout supports ModbusTCP and can read any address defined in the SCT configuration.
This allows you to very precisely define the data that needs to be written to Scout. All of this will be handled remotely during Scout’s free trial period.
If you have machines or devices that support the ModbusTCP protocol, you can consult with our specialist free of charge. We will check what addresses are available for download.