Information about Siemens Sinumerik CNC

Depending on the Siemens Sinumerik model/type and the software version (SW version), there are several ways to access the process data.

Siemens Sinumerik 840D SL and Siemens Sinumerik 828D with OPC UA option

Scout uses the OPC UA option, which should be available for the machine.

To check if the OPC UA option can be purchased for a given machine, enter:

Menu Select – Startup – Licenses – All options

and then find the item in the list:

Access MyMachine / OPC UA (6FC5800-0AP67-0YB0)

If this item is on the list: contact Siemens with the request to order the OPA UA option number 6FC5800-0AP67-0YB0

Note: it is a good idea to send Siemens a snapshot of your SW version software. For some SP (service pack) versions, despite the fact that OPC UA option is listed, it is not functional.

If you already have this options enabled, then go to:

Menu Select – Startup – Network – OPC UA

and set connection settings like the IP address of the machine, username and password. Then contact us to setup connection with the machine.

Siemens Sinumerik 840D SL without OPC UA option

If the 840D SL does not have the OPC UA option listed, or if it does but the SP version is incompatible with it, process data can be read from the machine in two other ways:

1. using a special device such as uaGate
The device is connected to the X120 or X130 input on the machine and the company LAN, through which Scout reads the process data from it.

This is a very good alternative to the standard OPC UA option from Siemens.
For more information, feel free to contact us (below).

2. using data blocks from a PLC S7 in the machine

Siemens Sinumerik 828D without OPC UA option

If the 828D does not have the OPC UA option in the list, it is possible to read some key information directly from data blocks from the S7 PLC located in the machine. The data is also retrieved over the LAN (you just need the machine to be on the LAN).

This approach is a reasonable alternative in the absence of OPC UA options.

What if none of the above methods work?

In this case, we will treat this machine as a “conventional machine“: we can collect specific analog / digital signals and interpret them accordingly (e.g. as work signals).

Do you want to learn more about data collection from Siemens Sinumerik machines?
Feel free to get a free consultation with our expert.

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