Information on machines monitoring with Teltonika modules

Teltonika telemetry modules, such as the FMB family, are used to monitor mobile (moving) machines such as:

  • forklifts
  • wheel loaders
  • stand-alone devices without LAN access

In the case of such devices, communication via LAN or WIFI is often not an option – communication through GSM is necessary.

Scout supports receiving data from telemetry Teltonika modules, so it is possible to track the operation of devices using a GSM network.

Telemetry modules send a variety of information to Scout, such as:

  • device power status (whether the device is on)
  • status of the module inputs (whether e.g. the station is on; whether the appropriate mode, etc.)
  • the speed of movement of the device (from GPS)

This allows you to monitor machines moving outdoors, without direct access to WIFI or LAN.

If you want to start monitoring machines with Teltonika GSM modules, we invite you to a free consultation with our technician.

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